You’ve heard of midlife crisis? How about midlife magic?

That’s what this is all about. An intimate group coaching container that serves women in midlife transition. This is a container about intimacy, behavioral integrity, living in alignment, dropping what's no longer serving you. A cohort of women honest with themselves about who they really are + what they really want to do. People stepping into a new phase on their path: The Embodied Wise Woman

Discover exactly what you’re here to do.

Kiss the societal pressure to clutch onto the maiden as the only valuable phase, goodbye.

Move from Mother to Healer.

Be seen vulnerably. Shed any remaining co-dependency.

Acknowledge what it means to have impact + influence.

Be held by other women as you grieve what no longer is and celebrate what is to come.

Crystallize the wisdom of your past .

Celebrate who you have become.

Embrace this new chapter and see it not as the beginning of the end but the beginning of a new beginning.

Step into mastery.

Embody it ALL.

I distinctly remember my 44th birthday. That’s saying something because if you know me, then you know I usually forget my birthday entirely. But on my 44th birthday I woke up and realized I had no idea what I was doing. I sat down at my laptop that day and wrote this article.

And the inbox filled. People from the far corners of the planet emailed me to say, “oh my god I thought it was just me.”

No Brenda, it’s not just you.

I didn’t know shit about fuckall until I was 40. At least. But what I realized was that NO ONE DOES. And I set out, not to figure it out, that’s impossible, but to figure out how to be truly happy and live a fully embodied life without having it figured out.

My 40s have been the best decade of my life. Not easy, but amazing. I’m two years from 50 and I cannot wait to see what fun the 50s hold. I’m simply not here for the life where 50 or 60 is old. Nope. This is our time to fucking SHINE.

Enter the Midlife Midwife

That’s me. I’m her. And I’m here for you. I had this idea that I could create an intimate group coaching container to sit with you as you navigate this new sea.

Be led and be coached. But even more than that, be seen and be held.

What are we going to do?

The short answer? Whatever we need to.

The long answer? When the idea of this came to me, I initially saw it as a 3 or 6 month program where we met every other week and went over a specific topic that each sister would explore on her own after the call. Then we’d reconvene, I’d give you some quick feedback, and then we’d have another lesson.

The whole affair was organized by theme and type of work, to move from simple to more complex. Why? Because I have OCD. That’s why.

But then one day I was talking to my Human Design BESTIE, Danna (the absolute mother freaking MASTER of shadow work and my voice of reason) and she said, “Wait. WAIT. {She kinda jumped up off her sofa a little even so I knew it was serious}. What if it was an intimate group coaching? Without curriculum?

And I almost barfed. And then I felt that familiar feeling of a sacral YES.

And Midlife Magic was conceived & born.

All during a one hour zoom.

So here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re going to assemble as an intimate group of women experiencing the same trials and then we’re going to meet every week for 6 weeks. And I’m gonna coach you so hard.

Rather than giving you a specific lesson plan (because lord knows we’ve all done enough school by now), I’m gonna cut the crap and give you exactly what you NEED. One on one, on the spot problem solving, purpose finding, inspiration, insight, + anything else you can dream up. The coolest thing about this is, you’re going to get to see other women being coached about not only the things you’re going through, but the things that you haven’t faced yet. And you’re going to have lifetime access to those calls to rewatch when your 25 year-old is suddenly soaking in the only tub in the house or you find your husband talking to a 25 year old that’s NOT the aforementioned child.

Don’t worry, you’ve got homework. We’ve got an absolute ton to talk about:

  • Human design

  • The gene keys

  • Shadow shit (including your core wound, babes)

  • Your uterus (or lack thereof)

  • Your relationships (adult kids who can’t seem to adult, parents who are suddenly your kids, + partners who just CANNOT. Period. )

  • Sex (we’re going there)

  • Bodies

  • Somatic work (like break work and Kundalini)

  • Energetic work like reiki and EFT

  • Psychological work like CBT, REBT, + NLP

  • Manifestation and how to attract the shit you actually WANT

  • Careers. Retirement. Entrepreneurship.

  • And that’s just the top of my list.

I’m going to give you exactly what you need exactly when you need it. In a safe space where you’ll be loved and held

This is going to be, in a word, EPIC.

In two words? FUCKING EPIC.

Who is this for?

  • Women (regardless of assigned gender) who are anywhere from the Uranus opposition to the 6th Jupiter return (aka 40-72)

  • Married women

  • Single women

  • Divorced women

  • Women who would like to explore their life purpose

  • Women who are confused about what’s next

  • Women who are confused in general

  • Women with unhealed trauma

  • Women with healed trauma

  • Women who aren’t sure if they even have trauma

  • Mothers. Grandmothers. Aunties. Sisters.

  • Women who want to explore the mystical

What’s included?

  • 6 weeks of small group coaching (limited to 7 women) that gives you the attention you need without the cost of private coaching

  • 6 - 90 minute group calls

  • A human design book specific to your type, strategy, + authority

  • A personalized shadow work journal

  • A private Facebook group for your cohort plus a larger (also private) Facebook group of program alumni where we’ll be chatting between calls to keep each other accountable and lend love + support.

Access to my incredible library of resources (literally hundreds of dollars of books, workbooks, journals, + bonuses)

  • Exclusive discounts to any of my private offerings in case you’d like a little more support outside the group (including breathwork sessions, EFT, Reiki, AND private coaching - which I do not discount outside this program)

  • A kickass bonus for paying in full!

Who in the heck am I?

I’m bringing an oversized Louis Vuitton piece of luggage full of skills.

Besides being an RN and a Certified Personal, Life & Business Coach, I’m also certified in CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), REBT (rational emotive behavior therapy), NLP (neurolinguistic programming), EFT (emotional freedom technique a.k.a. tapping), Law of Attraction Coaching, Forgiveness Coaching, Spiritual Transformation + Shamanic Coaching, and Transformational Breathwork. I’m an Usui Reiki master (with additional certification in crystal reiki), and I’m just one exam from being a 200-hour Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher.

I’ve got enough degrees and certificates to wallpaper my office at this point, but honestly that is nothing in comparison to the shitshow turned broadway musical (but if it was a good one like Rent or Wicked not like les mis where everyone’s dying all the fucking time) that is my life.

I’ve walked the path alone, Sister. Now it’s time for me to walk it with you.

Your investment: $777

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